Drone Control

3D drone flight simulator and control platform


About The Game

Drone Control was my senior project at University of Houston Clear Lake in 2015. I worked as part of Team Flight which included 4 other students.


Back then, drones were a new and exciting technology which wasnt quite affordable to the average person. We convinced our school to purchase a Drone, the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0, and we worked on a two part project:

  1. Create a simulation style game that mimicked the operation of a drone. This would be used to train pilots without worrying about crashing an expensive drone.
  2. Using the same user interface and input device, have another portion of the game where the actual drone could be piloted and its video streamed into the application.

You can read more about the game in the repo's README

View the source code

Map Conversion

There is some pretty cool code in this project for generating 2D mazes, then converting them into 3D which you can then fly around.


Some other screenshots / assets

